Iconic. Sassy. Timeless.
This is where crocheted apparel takes a beautiful turn with the updated styles by KnottyLoop Creations. Self-taught emerging design talent, Mona Muhammad, has taken crocheting to a whole new level with her fresh design ideas for her funky sheer dresses, dresses in silhouette, caps, scarves.
Neither of those words equate to boring or simple. KnottyLoop Creations was born of a new breed of designers; she has revamped an interest in the distinctive beauty that is unique to crochet. Her creations are stylish and edgy.
Mona Muhammad hasn't followed the traditional designers journey; she began designing as the result of a dare from a friend. She introduced her first creations during the 2005 Christmas Holiday Season.
Since that time KnottyLoop Creations has been featured in numerous magazines, fashion shows and spotlighted on ABC's 7 on your side. Her fashions have been worn by names like Indie Arie and Christie Michelle.
Mona's clients range from 2 to 82, from a size 0 to 24. Her goal is to continue to design unique crochet clothing which is fun and functional.
Mona Muhammad aka Ms KnottyLoop says" Don't believe the hype...this ain't your Grandmothers crochet." KnottyLoop Creations can offer the best of both worlds- Sass and Class.
With KnottyLoop you will find unique crochet apparel and accessories to adorn both the body and spirit.
Mona truly believes that when you look your best; you surround yourself with a positive energy and you instinctively feel good.
Ms. Elle's especially for you is honored to offer exclusive, hand-crafted designs by Mona Muhammad.
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